DT840 index

U500 notes


10 research portrayed as a linear process; in practice feedback loops everywhere. 13 questions usually refined to represent a conceptual framework and means of putting it into operation. Wording determines focus and scope of study.

Core question must:

16 Verma and Beard definition of hypothesis a tentative proposition which is subject to verification through subsequent investigation. Often a hunch; depicts and describes methods.

From Pugh - 46 - answers to "what" questions - intelligence; answers to "why" questions - research. 48 characteristics of good research:

50 basic types of research, both qualitative and quantitative

Criteria for good hypothesis:

Stages of the research process:

  1. deciding what to do
    1. decide topic
    2. define objectives
    3. choose methodology
    4. choose information sources
  2. doing it
    1. collect data
    2. analyse data
  3. communicating what has been done
    1. develop conclusions
    2. develop recommendations
    3. notify organisation, or source of information, of findings

23 Purposes of planning:

30 For a presentation about your research:


5 issues:

29 ethics codes amalgamted cover following areas: