AD317 Religion Today: Tradition, Modernity and Change

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Advice on TMA

Option 1 our tutor thought the assignment was straightforward, and she didn't have much to say on it. Perhaps look at Northern Ireland as a good example. Also consider purposes / functions of civil religion. This is getting a bit confusing. I can't get my head round Bellah's definition - maybe because there isn't one. He outlines various features and ways in which it works but he doesn't define it. It seems to involve some aspect of community - either nation or city - or perhaps as in NI a religiously identified community. And it seems to be some sort of response by individuals to the numinous in a context of that collective identity. So how do you get from that to an entity which can be called "civil religion" and has a "function" beyond the meanings given to it by a whole series of individuals?

Option 2 look at Mariolatry. Look at contrado baptism - note that it's a C20 invention and consider what meaning that has for the institution. That's about it.

The Course essay

Very important to look at (at least)two religions and two blocks.

Option 1 - consider attitudes to consecration

Option 2 - concentrate on themes in course introduction - look at secularisation, globalisation, and how they affect religions. Conclusion will need to say what you consider to be the most significant.

Option 3 - is about change and how people react to change. Consider Course Introduction pp91-2 on difference between modernity and post-modernity, and consider whether you think that is significant.

I seem to have taken very few notes. Perhaps that's because I wwas busy gabbing all the time.